


  • 活动的监督, 领导, 安排, or sponsored by an UNH department or 教师 or staff member
  • 活动的监督, 领导, 安排, 或由大学办公室赞助, 组织(乐队, 体育团队, 等.)或大学认可的学生组织
  • 由大学研究办公室单位或委员会赞助或支持的研究
  • 在会议上作澳门葡京网赌游戏大学项目、活动或研究的报告
  • Work that falls within the scope of an employee’s official duties or association with the University
  • 活动已经定义了开始/结束日期
  • 活动必须作为完整的行程记录记录在旅行记录表上 联合国大学旅游注册处

被保险人必须是UNH学生, 教师, 澳门葡京网赌游戏, staff or other persons officiating on the UNH-related activity with a current passport or student visa, 谁是暂时居住在他们的母国或长期居住地以外.
The Insured does not need to be covered by a USNH 健康 Benefit Plan in order to be eligible for this international plan.
在美国以外.S. is defined as any location outside of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia.

Eligible UNH persons are automatically included under the UNH coverage once a complete trip record has been recorded on the 联合国大学旅游注册处. 如果你对你的资格有疑问, 请致电603-862-2398与联合国大学全球教育中心联系 研究.在国外@lefoudy.com.

All undergraduate students traveling 在国外 on University-related activities will be charged an International Travel Insurance Fee:




Graduate students will be charged this fee for UNH coursework 在国外 or 研究 在国外 programs, 但不是用于研究活动.

如果学生退出留学项目, 一旦学生离开美国,这笔费用将不予退还.

你可以下载并打印一张国际SOS会员卡 国际SOS UNH会员页面. You can also get a membership card from the 主要研究全球 Education Center by calling 603-862-2398 or emailing 研究.在国外@lefoudy.com. 卡上有24小时国际SOS报警中心的电话号码. 您将不会收到单独的保险身份证. The insurance companies will confirm eligibility with the 澳门葡京网赌游戏.

UNH recommends purchasing Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption For Any Reason Coverage. 联合国大学国际计划的覆盖范围是基本的, 有限的, 只能由你的病决定, 意外伤害, 或家庭成员的死亡. 此外, airfare is the only eligible expense for which you could be reimbursed. 详情请浏览 福利一览表.

You would NOT be covered if you choose to cancel or discontinue your trip due to personal concerns about getting sick amidst a health crisis or concerns about safety after a security incident. 此外, you would NOT be eligible to be reimbursed for any additional expenses such as lodging, 旅游, 或者项目成本. 为此,您需要保险的旅行取消,旅行中断,任何原因. 澳门葡京网赌游戏如何购买这种保险的信息在底部 好处 页面.

是的. 投保人的保单期限不得超过连续12个月.

No. 如果您与配偶或家属一起旅行, you are strongly encouraged to purchase coverage so that you and your family can access the same travel assistance services. 这种可选的附加保险可以在网上购买, 打折出售, 从国际SOS的消费产品. 查看 国际SOS UNH个人旅行页面 了解更多信息.

UNH旅行者只有在旅行UNH相关活动时才被覆盖. Coverage is not extended to leisure or vacation travel that you may arrange to coincide with your UNH-related activity. You may purchase coverage for your extended personal travel online directly from International SOS's consumer products 打折出售. 查看 国际SOS UNH个人旅行页面 了解更多信息.

保险范围包括最多7天的个人偏差保险. Personal deviation is defined as travel prior to or after the school-sponsored trip. Any personal deviation travel in excess of the 7 days is not covered and requires you to purchase your own personal travel insurance should you wish to be covered.

No. UNH旅行者只适用于国外旅行. 因此, UNH recommends that all travelers maintain their domestic coverage to insure continuation of coverage and care before departure and upon your return to the U.S.


If you have an emergency please call collect the 24-hour International SOS Alarm Center:  1-215-942-8478.

国际SOS在线门户网站为UNH旅行者提供广泛的旅行, 全球每个国家的医疗和安全信息. 它还包括联合国紧急联系方式和详细的会员福利.

请到 www.internationalsos.com/en/ 了解更多信息. 您需要登录到 国际SOS会员网站 并输入您的UNH国际SOS会员号码:11BCAS000009.

If you have a pre-trip medical or security related question or emergency while overseas, please call collect to the 24-hour International SOS Alarm Center in Philadelphia: 1-215-942-8478.

The Alarm Center is staffed by doctors, logistics coordinators, and security experts. 国际SOS报警中心可以提供医疗建议, 在您的位置提供帮助, 或者安排疏散.

Medical Evacuation and Repatriation coordination; Political and Natural Disaster Evacuation coordination; Payment of overseas Medical Bills; Coordination of all benefits with the Plan Administrator; Full coordination with the International SOS credentia领导 medical provider network worldwide; Transportation and accommodation to join a hospitalized member.

No. 中列为福利的服务 信诺医疗保险和劳合社旅行保险 被覆盖. 如果UNH旅行者要求没有保险的服务, 国际SOS将要求预先付款. 一些例子包括, 但不限于, 翻译和口译以及紧急现金预支.

电子邮件: info@univhealthplans.com

电子邮件: info@univhealthplans.com


这个计划包括医疗费用, 包括住宿费和伙食费, 住院和门诊外科手术, 急诊门诊, 化验和x光, 住院和门诊心理健康, 去看医生和服用处方药. Payment will be made for covered medical expenses up to the maximum benefit of $500,000. 看到 信诺医疗保险和劳合社旅行保险 查看完整的福利和免责清单.

The Insured does not need to be covered by a USNH 健康 Benefit Plan in order to be eligible for this international plan.

是的. 有地域限制, so eligible UNH travelers are not covered in: United States (defined as the 50 United States and the District of Columbia). 还有一些额外的例外情况, so please read the Cigna Policy and Lloyd's Evidence of 好处 to review the full list of excluded activities.


是的,没有排斥. (“既存状况”是指你曾寻求过医疗建议的状况, 被诊断为, 接受过护理或治疗, 或被建议进行护理或治疗.)

No. (Deductible means the dollar amount of Covered Expenses that must be incurred as an out-of-pocket expense by each Insured per Injury or Sickness before payment is made by the claims company.)

对于大多数医院来说, International SOS can advance payment if needed to secure your admission because of sickness or accident. On occassion, there may be a hospital that will not accept advance payment from a third party. In these incidences, International SOS can refer you to a hospital that will accept advance payments. 24小时国际SOS报警中心:  1-215-942-8478.


在所有紧急情况下都应呼叫国际SOS. 如果国际SOS支付医疗费用, the claim will be automatically sent to the insurance company and International SOS will get reimbursed directly from the insurance company. UNH旅行者不需要提交任何文件.

参考 联合国卫生组织索赔程序 提交索赔的页面. 表格上附有说明. 以下是各种索赔表格. 

  • 信诺医疗索赔表
  • 劳合社行李遗失认领表
  • 劳合社旅行中断索赔表
  • 劳合社家属探访索偿表

一经公司接收, your claim will be processed and paid according to the terms of the insurance policy.  Please note that you are responsible for the cost of any services not covered by the travel insurance plan.

如果你对特定的索赔或索赔付款有疑问,请发电子邮件 info@univhealthplans.com.