Mass Spectrometer - Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL

The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap LTQ XL mass spectrometer provides accurate mass measurement (<10 ppm) with high resolution (600,000) and sensitivity (low fetomole to high attomole level).

The coupling of Ultimate 3000 UPLC system offers high throughput, in-depth analysis of complex samples. Our system provides identification and quantitation of complex protein mixtures, modifications of natural and chemical/biochemical source.

An image of the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap LTQ XL mass spectrometer.


制造商: ThermoFisher Scientific
Instrument name: Thermo Scientific Orbitrap LTQ XL online w/ Dionex Ultimate 3000 RSLCnano System
Year of manufacture: 2009
收购: 2009
地点: Rudman, Room 326
Principal scientist: Feixia楚


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$50/sample assisted

Non UNH Academic Rate:
$70/sample assisted

$135/sample assisted