
Monday, January 30, 2023

Photograph by Joe Viger.

Is K-9 search-and-rescue a STEM skill? 打猎、雪地摩托或越野滑雪怎么样? That’s what Andrew Coppens, associate professor of education, and Jayson Seaman, 娱乐管理和政策副教授, 最近在阿巴拉契亚山地俱乐部的高地中心举办的研讨会上,与来自Coös县的40名初高中学生开始探索. The students met Neeko,一只3岁的比利时玛利诺犬,和来自 New England K-9 Search and Rescue, 并练习使用一款移动应用程序,该应用程序将帮助他们在户外娱乐活动中记录“隐藏的STEM”.

“Our goal is to connect STEM skills, a critical area of workforce need in the state, to New Hampshire’s booming $2.7 billion outdoor recreation industry,” says Coppens. “我们想了解他们的户外娱乐如何促进有前途的教育和就业途径.” Funded by the National Science Foundation, this research is led by CAST,希曼和科彭斯担任联合首席调查员.