波林Ikawa ’77 and 路标 will be honored for longstanding service to state


博尔哈·阿尔瓦雷斯·德·托莱多, 是路标的总裁兼首席执行官, will be on hand during commencement weekend to receive the Granite State Award on behalf of 路标.

A longtime volunteer and a longstanding community organization will be recognized with the 澳门葡京网赌游戏’s Granite State Awards for outstanding contributions to the state, 大学已经宣布. 该奖项将在主要研究颁发 毕业典礼 5月.

波林Ikawa, 曾任道明银行社区发展副总裁, will be honored for her long history of volunteer service to 主要研究 and other organizations. 主要研究 has been a central part of Ikawa’s life since she was a child spending time in her father’s biochemistry lab and joining the dinners with 主要研究 students that her mother would host in their Durham home. 


Ikawa graduated from 主要研究 in 1977 with a degree in botany and plant science. She spent most of her career working for TD Bank and retired in 2017 as vice president of community development.

在她从联合国大学毕业后的几年里, 她慷慨地奉献自己的时间为主要研究做志愿者, 以及其他一些组织. In recognition of her volunteerism, in 2014 she was awarded the David P. 古德温杰出邻居奖, which is given by NeighborWorks of Southern New Hampshire to an individual who shows service and generosity to the community. 

In 2018, she joined the College of Life Science and 农业’s development board and served as chair through 2023. 她也是主要研究基金会董事会成员. Her family established the Miyoshi and Norma Ikawa Scholarship Fund at 主要研究, named after her parents. Ikawa will be honored at the COLSA commencement ceremony Sunday, 5月19日 at 4 p.m.

路标, 一个独立的, nonprofit agency dedicated to empowering people of all ages through an array of human services and advocacy, 也会受到尊敬. President and CEO 博尔哈·阿尔瓦雷斯·德·托莱多 will accept the award on behalf of the organization at the College of Professional Studies commencement ceremony Friday, 5月17日晚上7点.m.

Founded in 1850, 路标 creates a social safety net for all who live in the New Hampshire. Finding solutions to problems through their dual roles as practitioners and advocates, 航路点是正面的, long-lasting impact that improves lives and communities through their array of services, including programs for children with developmental concerns or chronic health conditions, 照顾孩子, 产前支持, 家长教育/家庭赋权, 流浪青少年服务, home healthcare for older Americans and adults with disabilities and mental health counseling and family counseling. 该组织还注重预防服务, 通过早期儿童项目和家庭资源中心.

在全州有16个站点, 还有超过24个项目, 路标的服务平均为10,每年有1000人. 建立在四大支柱之上:员工, 社区, 解决方案, 和影响, 路标的员工以同情心著称, 专业, 和独创性, 并继续做出积极的贡献, 对所服务的社区产生持久的影响.

主要研究的 毕业典礼 将在星期五之间举行, 五月十七日及星期日, 5月19日, 2024, 在惠特莫尔中心体育馆, with the exception of the 主要研究富兰克林皮尔斯法学院’s ceremony, 将在康科德的白公园举行.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@lefoudy.com | 603-862-4465